Two of our categories revolve around a season Theme.
The theme for this season is PowerBots.
It relates to the new challenges the world is facing when we start using more energy from renewable sources. Many of these sources are not constant (e.g. wind, sun). How can we deal with that?
The Regular Category* is a challenge-based competition.
The teams have designed, constructed, and programmed a robot that can solve challenges on a field. The robots are all made from LEGO®materials. The robots are programmed in such a way that they can make their own decisions. Each round the items on the field are randomly placed. The team cannot interfere with the robot during the run.
Each age group has its own challenge, related to the season theme PowerBots.
- Elementary (8-12y): Energy at Home
- Junior (12-15y): Park and Charge
- Senior (15-20): Energy Mix
The online competition will take place in two rounds.
The first round starts on Thursday with the announcement of a surprise rule. Teams can get extra points if their robot can solve the normal challenge plus the surprise rule. The teams have 24 hours to upload a video of their best attempt.
The second round of the competition is the 2ndDay Challenge. The teams will get a set of completely new challenges. They have 24 hours again to adapt and program their robot to solve these new challenges and upload their video.
*Starting 2022 this category will be called RoboMission
The Open Category* is a project-based competition. The teams have done research and have created their own innovative intelligent robot model. They have made a report and a video to explain their projects.
All age groups have had the same PowerBots challenge: Find a solution for one of the sub-topics or a combination of them:
- Energy at your home or in your community
- Energy and transportation
- Energy mix in our daily life.
For the different age groups the level of complexity that is expected increases.
During the online competition each team will have an interview with the judges. The teams will present their project and their robot model and will answer questions. The judges will also assess the reports and videos.
*Starting 2022 this category will be called Future Innovators

The Future Engineers is a new category for older students (14-19y). The category brings the current research challenge into schools and teaches students an engineering workflow by solving real-world-problems. Teams can use any robot, controller and materials that are in line with the regulations.
The current game is all about autonomous driving. The teams have built a robot with a steering drive that can drive around a track autonomously and that can avoid randomly placed obstacles.
The online competition will have two rounds. The teams join a conference call and show their robot in action.
On Friday the teams will have two live driving sessions where the robot needs to drive around the track without obstacles.On Saturday there will be two live driving sessions where the robot needs to avoid obstacles.
Before the event the teams will need to upload a report and other materials that show the (engineering) process. These materials will be reviewed and graded by the judges and will be part of the final score of each team.